SRE Weekly Issue #278

View on A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: Learn how our team at StackHawk tests external cookie authentication using Ktor, and check out some of the helper functions we wrote to make the tests easy to write, read, and maintain Articles That Sinking Feeling (The #HugOps Song) Whoa.  This is the best thing… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #278

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SRE Weekly Issue #279

View on A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: On July 28, ZAP Creator Simon Bennetts is giving a first look at ZAP’s new automation framework. Grab your spot: Articles Managing the Risk of Cascading Failure This is a presentation by Laura Nolan (with text transcript) all about cascading failure, what causes it, how… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #279

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SRE Weekly Issue #280

View on A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: DataRobot is using StackHawk to automate API security testing and to scale AppSec across their dev team. Learn more about all they’re up to: Articles The Harmful Consequences of the Robustness Principle The Robustness Principle (“be conservative in what you send, and liberal in what… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #280

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SRE Weekly Issue #281

View on A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: Traditional application security testing methods fail for single page applications. Check out why single page apps are different and how you can run security tests on your SPAs. Articles Learning from incidents – Formula 1 The incident: a formula 1 car hit the side barrier… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #281

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SRE Weekly Issue #282

View on A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: ICYMI ZAP Creator and Project Lead Simon Bennetts recently unveiled ZAP’s new automation framework. Watch the session and see how it works: Articles A thorough introduction to bpftrace I really need to learn bpftrace, and this article is a great place to start. Brendan Gregg… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #282

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SRE Weekly Issue #283

View on I’m on vacation enjoying the sunny beaches in Maine with my family, so I prepared this week’s issue in advance.  No outages section, save for one big one I noticed due to direct personal experience.  See you all next week! A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: StackHawk is now integrated with GitHub Code… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #283

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SRE Weekly Issue #284

View on Like last week, I prepared this week’s issue in advance, so no Outages section.  Have a great week! A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: Trying to automate application and API security testing? See how StackHawk and Burp Suite Enterprise stack up: Articles Alerting on SLOs like Pros Soundcloud is very clear… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #284

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SRE Weekly Issue #251

View on Happy new year! A message from our sponsor, StackHawk: Still looking for a good new years resolution? How about adding application security testing to your CI/CD pipeline with StackHawk. Get started with our free account. Articles Writing Runbook Documentation When You’re An SRE Tips and tricks for writing effective runbook documentation… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #251

Categorized as SRE