WhatsApp has launched a new security feature that further helps prevent attackers from using vectors like on-device malware. This security feature, called Device Verification, requires no action or additional steps from users and helps protect your account. This feature is part of our broader work to increase security for our users from the growing threat… Continue reading How Device Verification protects your WhatsApp account
3 Ways Salesforce Takes AI Research to the Next Level
In our “Engineering Energizers” Q&A series, we examine the life experiences and career paths that have shaped Salesforce engineering leaders. Meet Shelby Heinecke, a research manager for the Salesforce AI team. Shelby leads her diverse team on a variety of projects, ranging from identity resolution to recommendation systems to conversational AI, supporting cutting-edge initiatives spanning… Continue reading 3 Ways Salesforce Takes AI Research to the Next Level
Why xHE-AAC is being embraced at Meta
We’re sharing how Meta delivers high-quality audio at scale with the xHE-AAC audio codec. xHE-AAC has already been deployed on Facebook and Instagram to provide enhanced audio for features like Reels and Stories. At Meta, we serve every media use case imaginable for billions of people across the world — from short-form, user-generated content, such… Continue reading Why xHE-AAC is being embraced at Meta
SRE Weekly Issue #367
View on sreweekly.com A message from our sponsor, Rootly: Manage incidents directly from Slack with Rootly 🚒. Rootly automates manual tasks like creating an incident channel, Jira ticket and Zoom rooms, inviting responders, creating statuspage updates, postmortem timelines and more. Want to see why companies like Canva and Grammarly love us?: https://rootly.com/demo/ Articles Car alarms and… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #367
Build faster with Buck2: Our open source build system
Buck2, our new open source, large-scale build system, is now available on GitHub. Buck2 is an extensible and performant build system written in Rust and designed to make your build experience faster and more efficient. In our internal tests at Meta, we observed that Buck2 completed builds 2x as fast as Buck1. Buck2, Meta’s open… Continue reading Build faster with Buck2: Our open source build system
[video] Meet 5 Salesforce Engineers Who Are Innovating the Future
In our “Engineering Energizers” Q&A series, we examine the life experiences and career paths that have shaped Salesforce engineering leaders. This special edition connects five of the best and brightest minds within Salesforce Engineering and across the world including India, Argentina, and the U.S., chronicling their quest to innovate the future at every turn. We… Continue reading [video] Meet 5 Salesforce Engineers Who Are Innovating the Future
SRE Weekly Issue #366
View on sreweekly.com A message from our sponsor, Rootly: Manage incidents directly from Slack with Rootly 🚒. Rootly automates manual tasks like creating an incident channel, Jira ticket and Zoom rooms, inviting responders, creating statuspage updates, postmortem timelines and more. Want to see why companies like Canva and Grammarly love us?: https://rootly.com/demo/ Articles The Untold History… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #366
SRE Weekly Issue #365
View on sreweekly.com A message from our sponsor, Rootly: Manage incidents directly from Slack with Rootly 🚒. Rootly automates manual tasks like creating an incident channel, Jira ticket and Zoom rooms, inviting responders, creating statuspage updates, postmortem timelines and more. Want to see why companies like Canva and Grammarly love us?: https://rootly.com/demo/ Articles How DoorDash Designed… Continue reading SRE Weekly Issue #365
Big Data Processing: Driving Data Migration for Salesforce Data Cloud
The tsunami of data — set to exceed 180 zettabytes by 2025 — places significant pressure on companies. Simply having access to customer information is not enough — companies must also analyze and refine the data to find actionable pieces that power new business. As businesses collect these volumes of customer data, they rely on… Continue reading Big Data Processing: Driving Data Migration for Salesforce Data Cloud
How is India’s Brilliant Big Data Processing Team Engineering Salesforce Data Cloud?
In our “Engineering Energizers” Q&A series, we examine the life experiences and career paths that have shaped Salesforce engineering leaders. Meet Archana Kumari, one of Salesforce’s first India-based woman engineering leaders. In her role, Archana leads Salesforce India’s Data Cloud big data processing compute layer team — charged with providing the tremendous processing power that… Continue reading How is India’s Brilliant Big Data Processing Team Engineering Salesforce Data Cloud?