Oh, now this is fascinating. Firefox, like, the web browser itself, had an outage in January. It just stopped working for everyone.
  Christian Holler — Mozilla
If you’re looking for an explainer on the CAP theorem, this article gives a great overview with practical details.
  Bartłomiej Żyliński — SoftwareMill
This is about what the security field can learn from SRE. Obviously not directly applicable to SRE, but this article gives us a really great outside perspective.
  Anton Chuvakin — Security Boulevard
Code doesn’t “rot”, but the environment around it changes constantly.
  Lorin Hochstein
How do complex service dependencies affect your SLA? What if service A depends on service B and C being up, but service D or E being up?
TLDR; for serial, multiply availability; For parallels, multiply unavailability.
  Alex Ewerlöf
Here’s how and why not to be a hero. It’s bad for you and everyone else too.
  Isaac Seymour —
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